We love a good infographic. They can make vague ideas clear as day. Our pickdu jour: The QR Invasion, which tells the latest story of QR codes. You can put these codes on just about any kind of item, and users can scan them with their phones to get more information, visit websites, or just engage with your brand.

Julie O'Dell has posted the infographic, the brainchild of JumpScan, at the Mashable site. It's a "graphically organized representation of some data [JumpScan has] gathered about QR codes—who's scanning them, what kinds of devices they're using and what brands are running QR-code campaigns," she reports. And yes, you can scan the infographic's codes for more info!

A few fun facts from the Invasion:

  • 52% of mobile users have seen or heard of QR codes; of those, 28% have scanned one.
  • iPhone users scan by far the most, at 68% (versus 26% of Android users and 4% of Blackberry users).
  • QR-code scanning rose a whopping 1,200% from July to December 2010.
  • Companies like Starbucks are already using QR codes (as well as barcodes) to enable users to pay for their purchases via mobile. (And here's a fun fact from the chart:3 million Starbucks customers have already tried it.)

The Po!nt:Mind your QR P's and Q's. We'vespoken beforeabout the considerations you should make when producing a mobile strategy, and where QR codes may or may not fit into it. Now's the time to be proactive!

Looking for great mobile marketing data?MarketingProfs reviewed hundreds of research sources to create our most recentMobile Marketing Factbook(May 2010). With 139 pages and 99 charts, it is full of relevant mobile marketing stats and trends. The Mobile Marketing Factbook is Part 4 of the completeDigital Marketing Factbook(our 296-page full report).

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