In a post at Conversation Marketing, Ian Lurie reports on the disappearance of Google's real-time search—and consequently, the disappearance of up-to-the-minute Twitter feeds from Google. "If you're a bandwagon-driven Internet marketer, and you go diving after the latest gimmick, then you're probably panicking about now," he writes. "A little voice in your head is shrieking 'OH GOD MY TWITTERZ IS GONE NO MORE RANKINGS FOR MEEEEEEE.'"

That is precisely why "bandwagon SEOs" need to change their ways and look to the future—instead of the last few minutes, Lurie argues.

He describes the typical bandwagon lifecycle as:

  • Discovering a ranking factor like Twitter.
  • Creating a deluge of links, tweets, automated follows and link requests.
  • Observing a positive payoff in Google rankings.
  • Growing smug with satisfaction.
  • Watching in horror as the ranking factor vanishes, and Google rankings implode.

At best, bandwagon SEO will only net temporary results—and it's vulnerable to changes like Google's latest. On the other hand, Lurie contends, changes in ranking factors have little impact on sites that use a "future-proof" approach.

The core of future-proof SEO, he explains, is to use Twitter and Facebook as the "fantastic" messaging channels they are. The real power of Twitter, he argues, is "its ability to put you squarely in front of influencers, media and consumers."

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