In a post at theB2B Marketing Insiderblog, Michael Brenner reports on the latest prognostications of analyst Mary Meeker. "Mary has been nailing it each year with her analysis of the latest online trends," Brenner notes. B2B marketers seeking to make the most of their 2012 Internet efforts might want to take heed.

今年,米克尔1突出显示2 Internet trends to focus on in the months ahead. Here are five to get you thinking:

Sound.(Think Siri.) Meeker predicts audio-directed controls, speech-recognition and other audio technologies to be the next big thing.

Online advertising.Meeker says online advertising is a $20 billion opportunity in the U.S. alone. The basis for her enthusiasm? The huge gap between the time users are spending online and on mobile devices and the ad dollars being spent there.

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