Think about the last webinar you attended. Did it have your full attention? Or did you also open your mail? Wave a passing colleague into your office for a quick chat? Catch up on scores from last night's games? Run to the kitchen for a snack?

According toKiller Webinars' Shelley Ryan, 88% of the respondents to one survey admitted multitasking during webinar presentations. She blames this lack of focus on an element she dubs a BWOT or Boring Waste Of Time. And here are a few classics BWOTs:

Logistics.Make a good first impression by starting with relevant material—not blah-blah-blah administrative notes that an audience will ignore. "Most people already know this drill," says Ryan. "You can put the same information in the reminder email, or display it in a text box next to your slides. You can share it in the Q&A window. You can do all of those things—just don't read it in the intro."

Bios.You want to underscore the value of a speaker's experience, obviously. But a lengthy litany of clients and credentials won't help your cause. "Introduce your speaker in one simple sentence," advises Ryan.

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