The Social Media Examiner has distilledfive ways businesseshave hit the ground running on Facebook Timeline.

You can use these examples to help make your Facebook Timeline richer for storytelling and more actionable for sales.

Here are five tips based on the success stories of these heavy-hitters and Timeline movers-and-shakers:

Note your interesting milestones.Does your brand have a history?Coca-Cola, founded in 1886, uses Timeline to highlight how it has evolved.The New York Times, founded in 1851, lets users revel in history with its milestone posts. But our favorite example isSpotify, which shares disruptions in the history of music, all the way back to the year 1000!

Incorporate the profile picture into your cover photo.Most brands use profile photos for company logos. Since it overlaps the cover photo (that wide photo in the header), why not get creative and blend both images? See the Examiner article mentioned above for great examples, then readTim Ware's articlethat provides a Photoshop template for blending profile and cover photos in a fun way.

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