In a recent article at Chief Marketer, Beth Negus Viveiros argues that leaving direct mail out of your B2B marketing mix might be a big mistake—even in the digital age. "Done the right way, good old-fashioned direct mail can be a key part of your strategy," she says.

Viveiros interviewed marketers Michele Fitzpatrick and Kevin Kerner to get their insights on incorporating direct mail into a B2B multichannel marketing strategy.

Here are four tips from that discussion:

Make it meaningful.If you're going to add a direct mail component, make it a meaningful part of your multichannel campaign. One of Kerner's clients, for instance, mailed a case for a mobile phone to prospects. When the prospect set up an appointment, the sales person brought the device (loaded with an app showcasing the company's services) to the meeting.

Start with your audience first.Use tried-and-true, customer-centric thinking when creating your campaign. Why would they value this particular mailing? "Channel, offer, product, timing—these are all byproducts of who you are trying to reach," Fitzpatrick explains.

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