With nearly three billion social media users worldwide, determining a set of rules to please everyone would be impossible. But there are some guidelines that brands should follow to help ensure social media branding and business success.

CJG Digital Marketingput together aninfographicthat highlights six social media actions to avoid:

1.Posting too many promotional messages.The infographic reports that 58% of social followers are annoyed by too many promotional messages. But it's a balance: About 85% of people need to see a product or service multiple times on social media before purchasing, the infographic states, so don't under-post, either.

2.Sharing irrelevant information.Occasionally it's good to post out-of-the-box messages, but overall remember why your followers chose to follow your brand and give them what they expect.

3.Tweeting too frequently.Tweets are good. Too many tweets can cause people to unfollow, especially if you're mostly retweeting the same things again and again.

4.Using jargon or slang awkwardly."The better of a job you do with this, the less your followers will think of you as an adult experiencing a midlife crisis, overusing words like 'bae' and 'on fleek.'" Enough said.

5.Staying too quiet.Though over-tweeting can be problematic, under-tweeting can cause your brand to be forgotten, allowing competitors to fill in the gap. Test to find a balance.

6.Not replying to messages.According to the infographic, 15% of people say that not replying to their posts via social is reason enough to unfollow. Plus, social media provides an easy platform for connecting with your audience, so take advantage of it.

为更多的细节在这些技巧,check out the infographic:

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Laura Foreris a freelance writer, email and content strategist, and crossword puzzle enthusiast. She's an assistant editor at MarketingProfs, where she manages infographic submissions, among other things.