Member Profile

Bob Hogg
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MarketingProfs Member Since
August 30, 2001
Marketing Ability LLP
Job Title
Marketing Educator
I started out on my marketing career with a Master’s degree in Marketing from Newcastle University (that's Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the UK)

My early commercial career included marketing roles in the pharmaceuticals, floor-coverings and livestock/meat industries for companies such as Beecham Group (now part of Glaxo Smith Kline) and Unilever among others.

I then bought a franchise licence to establish a Prontaprint high-street print business in Peterborough (that's in the UK too!) I also worked for the franchise company itself developing regional marketing support and training facilities for franchisees and ultimately joined the board of Prontaprint plc as UK Marketing Director.

In 1997, having resigned from Prontaprint plc, I sold my Prontaprint business and set up my own marketing training business - Pointer Marketing.

In 2005, I joined with 4 colleagues to form Marketing Ability LLP - a company to provide training and education from marketing marketers. See our website at
营销Abili部门之一ty is Peterborough College of Marketing which provides courses accredited by the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

A member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) since 1971, I am a Chartered Marketer, and am also an examiner for CIM professional qualifications.
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