
Topic: Strategy

Product Launch To C-suite

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Launching new solution aimed at grocery chains. Larger more than smaller. Feel as though we are doing many things right: starting some PR, attending tradeshows, collateral, industry-specifc e-newsletters, some select advertising.

Missing piece is a targeted campagin aimed at very specific grocers. Probably direct mail oriented. Anyone done anything recently to penetrate to C-level execs and at a somewhat efficient cost? We are not a huge company.
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  • Posted bywnelsonon Member
    你考虑网络成为C-lev吗el at the grocers you are targeting? Particular for large ones, you probably won't have much luck attracting them via direct mail. For networking, you can ask around with your present network contacts or make new ones at the trade shows and ask for the names of the decision makers at your targets. Stronger networking comes when the network person knows the target person "personally" so you can bridge the relationship: "I was talking to Jose Estores at the Grocery Software Show and he mentioned that perhaps you might benefit from our product...." This is where you need a strong "elevator pitch" to tell the person about your product's value proposition so he will say, "Tell me more...." at which point you say, "I'd like to stop by for a half hour to talk to you about this in more detail...How about next Tuesday at 2:00?" Then you can pitch it, demo it, etc. One other thing: You have to get past the "gate keepers" for the C-level - the administrative assistant. To do this, you also use your bridge network contact: "May I speak to Mr. Epstein? Jose Estores asked that I call him..."

    For direct mail, a good introduction less with a clear value proposition and benefits probably will be ignored. Here is a link to a sales letter format:


    In fact, read the articles on this page - they have some good thoughts:

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted bytelemoxieon Accepted
    It's not easy to reach C-Level Exec execs by phone and mail. It's more effective to network of course...

    ... but I agree that a targeted campaign to identify top prospects and to reach key executives at those companies can complement your other efforts.

    I don't know much about your product from your posts so far, so I'm shooting in the dark a bit... but if I were putting together the outbound phone and mail program, I'd build a list of 200, 300, maybe 500 firms, I'd develop a mail list to mail quarterly or so to key contacts at those firms ( 1 or 2 contacts per smaller firm, maybe more contacts in various functions at bigger firms) and I'd "single thread" a telephone campaign to call the firms (e.g. pick a person to call at each firm, if no headway, keep them on the mailing list but pick another person in another functional area at the company...)

    (The most effective and fun technique would be to build an overall list of key product benefits, and prioritize them by level of interest by functional area, e.g. CFOs have different interests than CIOs, and creating a series of customizable #10 letters / mailers for each functional area - but most people don't want to have that much fun.)

    The bad news is that such a program will not have your phone ringing off the hook in the first week. Some things take time - but fact that the ROI is a bit lower doesn't mean you shouldn't do it, it just means you probably shouldn't do it in-house, and that you should carefully budget your expenditure. The good news is that you can get your message out efficiently and effectively, so that a number of key decision makers in your target market can be aware of your new offering. If you want more info, contact me offline (click my profile to the right).
  • Posted on Member
    I encourage you not to discount trade publications. The beauty of them is they are so well targeted (and getting better) and the main players are still participating. So, by participating, you gain what we call subconscious credibility (but, only if your, pr, submissions are very well executed).

    Trade pubs are still a great value...even in this day of e-marketing tools galore. Consider leveraging print ads to get discounts and free merchandising for e-zine versions.

    related article:

    Hope this helps.

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