
Topic: Advertising/PR

Tradeshow Ideas For Training Consulting Firm

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
My company has purchased a booth space at a major medical training conference and we want to stand out and get results. The audience is VP's and Directors of Training and Development at global pharmaceutical companies. Their key point of pain is getting global pharma sales forces the consistent, customized training they need to launch and support products (drugs) effectively, which delivers competitive advantage to their companies. Our value proposition is custom medical content on demand (developed by world class instructional designers and delivered on industry leading communication-technology platform) We have a few critical objectives:
1. Entice these VP's & Directors to stop and take notice of our booth, 2. have a very clear value proposition that makes people want to know more, 3. generate leads.
我们苦苦挣扎的with coming up with creative, attention grabbing strategies and ideas for our tradeshow booth.
Any ideas?
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