
Topic: Strategy

Conference Follow Up

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need to come up with a "different" follow up for a business conference that my company will be a vendor at. We are a small-medium size collection agency with a very limited marketing/sales budget. The target audiences for this conference are college and university bursars and business office managers. Any ideas?
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  • Posted bytelemoxieon Member
    Even with a limited budget, I would suggest that you think long term. About ten years ago, I read some statistics that 70% of people who attend trade shows buy - within 2 years of the trade show. Don't expect immediate miracles. I believe you can best demonstrate your professionalism and determination to this highly focused target audience by a long-term client focused follow-up campaign. As a collection agency, you should have skilled telemarketing resources at hand to do this - and they'll probably enjoy the work.

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