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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Revenue Operations: A Game-Changer for B2B Marketers
2020 CMO Predictions From Marketing Influencers [Infographic]
How to Deal With Difficult People: Jackass Whisperer Scott Stratten [Podcast]
CCPA: Questions of Privacy, Compliance, and Enforcement
Give Your Marketing Team a Leg Up in 2020 With Storytelling
2020 B2C Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends [Study]
The Mobile Opportunity: Recognizing the Power of Apps and the Mobile Web
How Retailers Should Approach AI and Big Data During Holiday Seasons
Revenue Operations: A Game-Changer for B2B Marketers
Revenue operations is a hot trend in B2B marketing. But what is it, why has it continued to gain traction, and—most important—how can marketers benefit from it? Here are answers, including three营销人员应该的原因embrace revenue operations.
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2020 CMO Predictions From Marketing Influencers [Infographic]
With 2020 all but here, marketers are thinking about what opportunities, trends, threats, and possibilities the New Year might bring. Here's what 20+ marketing influencers saymarketing leaders will be confronting in 2020.
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The Ultimate Guide to Dealing With Difficult People: 'Jackass Whisperer' Scott Stratten on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]
Scott Stratten, co-owner of UnMarketing and co-author ofThe Jackass Whisperer,shares tips for addressing bad behavior at work, at home, and online.Read more and listen in on this insightful conversation.
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CCPA: Questions of Privacy, Compliance, and Enforcement
In three weeks, on January 1, 2020, the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA), goes into effect. As a result, for the first time, US businesses will be subject to afar stricter set of privacy regulations in-country.
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Give Your Marketing Team a Leg Up in 2020 With Storytelling
MarketingProfs event
One thing is guaranteed to make your marketing stand out: storytelling. Give your team all 11 sessions of Storytelling Summit for Marketers, and set off toward a successful 2020.Register your team today!
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2020 B2C Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends [Study]
Here are the 2020 B2C content marketing research results from MarketingProfs and Content Marketing Institute. See what key actions and approaches you can take to improve your own content marketing program.Check out the findings of the annual study.
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The Mobile Opportunity: Recognizing the Power of Apps and the Mobile Web
Mobile has become the primary channel for consumers in virtually every demographic group—allowing them to connect anywhere, at any time, and driving a shift that has transformed the consumer landscape.What does a successful mobile strategy entail in today's world?
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How Retailers Should Approach AI and Big Data During Holiday Seasons
Shopper behavior is fundamentally different during the holidays. Marketers can't rely on the same data and algorithms that they leverage at other times of the year. If brands don't adjust to holiday shopping behavior,it could cost them big.
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