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Saturday, August 22, 2020

Chin up, Marketers: The Demise of Third-Party Cookies Isn't All Bad
The B2B Forum Speakers Are in the Trenches With YouPRO event
How B2B Marketers Can Apply Data Effectively: 6 Questions Answered
The Novel Economy, Generation N, and Thriving in a Digital-First Environment: Futurist Brian Solis [Podcast]
The 10 Most Valuable Global Brands in 2020 [Study]
How to Marry Offline & Online Attribution for a 360 View in Google Analytics
The B2B Marketing and Sales Relationship in the Age of ABM [Infographic]
SEO for (Non-Techie) Marketers: The Art of Being FoundPRO Master Class
Chin up, Marketers: The Demise of Third-Party Cookies Isn't All Bad
As the demise of third-party cookies draws inexorably nearer, many marketers are growing concerned: How will they track and gather customer data online? But despite the handwringing, marketers can reaplong-term benefits from the end of cookies.
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The B2B Forum Speakers Are in the Trenches With You
MarketingProfs PRO event
The full list of B2B Forum speakers is now available, and it's jam-packed with brilliant, forward-thinking marketers. Yes, they are all marketers facing the same challenges and opportunities as you! And they will share with you their secrets to success.See who they are.
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How B2B Marketers Can Absorb and Apply Data Effectively: Six Questions Answered
Platform fatigue. IP targeting's limitations. Challenges of evaluating campaign performance. The impact of economic uncertainty. The disappearance of in-person events... B2B marketers are facing a host of unresolved issues and questions.Here are some answers.
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The Novel Economy, Generation N, and Thriving in a Digital-First Environment: Futurist Brian Solis [Podcast]
Futurist, author, and Salesforce Global Innovation Evangelist Brian Solis offers insight into what he calls the novel economy and the type of customer that marketers need to serve now.Read more and listen in on this insightful conversation.
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The 10 Most Valuable Global Brands in 2020 [Study]
Four American tech companies have the world's most valuable brands this year, according to recent research.Check out the findings of this study.
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How to Marry Offline and Online Attribution Data for a 360 View in Google Analytics
谁wouldn't be excited at the prospect of identifying what led to a customer's making a purchase decision? Though marketers continue to improve and refine the process, one challenge to truly meaningful insight remains: how tomarry offline and online marketing attribution.
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The B2B Marketing and Sales Relationship in the Age of ABM [Infographic]
The account-based marketing (ABM) approach, in which organizations focus on best-fit accounts (rather than individuals as standalone leads), requires close coordination between Marketing and Sales.Check out the infographic.
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SEO for (Non-Techie) Marketers: The Art of Being Found
MarketingProfs PRO Master Class
If you're looking to make every piece of content count, you won't want to miss this comprehensive (no fluff!) Master Class. You'll gain the confidence to guide the SEO efforts in your organization: setting the strategy, creating the content, and measuring the business impact.了解更多.
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B2B Backstage with Avinash Kaushik | 60 minutes
[Webinar]The Modern Marketer's Guide to Lifecycle Marketing
sponsored by Act-On Software | 45 minutes
[Webinar]How to Advance Racial Justice Within Your Org
Round table discussion | 75 minutes
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