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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Top 5 Lesser-Known Social Media Tools to Improve Your Campaign Results
10 Shortcuts to Gathering High-Quality Whitepaper Content
The Ins and Outs of Amazon Advertising (And Why You Should Try It): Timothy Seward on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]
Why Marketers Should Invest in the Stories Format and Stories Ads, and How to Do It
Flash Sale: MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2020 in San Francisco!
How Not to Email Journalists: The 10 Biggest Pitch Mistakes [Study]
Facebook Image Sizes and Dimensions Cheat Sheet [Infographic]
How to Craft a Concise B2B Sales Pitch in Limited Time
Top 5 Lesser-Known Social Media Tools to Improve Your Campaign Results
Social media tools can help build your audience and attract sales. Usually, popular tools come to mind when you need a solution. But there are lesser-known, yet amazing, tools that can significantly improve your social media campaigns.Here are five such social media tools.
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10 Shortcuts to Gathering High-Quality Whitepaper Content
Even the most complex source materials can be generated and fleshed out via simple processes to produce amazing whitepapers. These 10 ideas for collecting information can quickly translate intohigh-quality whitepapers that engage B2B audiences.
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Why Marketers Should Invest in the Stories Format and Stories Ads, and How to Do It
More than 1 billion Stories are shared every day across the Facebook family of apps: Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Stories as a social media format are here to stay. Marketers and brands that invest in this trendwill reap generous rewards.
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The Ins and Outs of Amazon Advertising (And Why You Should Try It): Timothy Seward on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]
Author and e-commerce expert Timothy Seward (Ultimate Guide to Amazon Advertising) explains how advertising on the platform can benefit any brand (not just Amazon sellers).Read more and listen in on this insightful conversation.
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Flash Sale: MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2020 in San Francisco!
MarketingProfs event
Just announced: #mpb2b 2020 will be in San Francisco, November 3-6. We're celebrating, so the first 50 people to register will save up to $1,800 on their ticket.Register now for massive savings!
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How Not to Email Journalists: The 10 Biggest Pitch Mistakes [Study]
Journalists say their biggest pet peeve when being pitched via email is receiving requests to cover things that are irrelevant to their beats, according to recent research.检查研究findings.
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Facebook Image Sizes and Dimensions Cheat Sheet [Infographic]
Facebook's algorithm gives preference to visual content—photos, GIFs, and videos—allowing marketers to engage audiences effectively. To ensure your Facebook efforts pay off, usethe right image sizes and dimensions for Facebook.
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How to Craft a Concise B2B Sales Pitch in Limited Time
To write the perfect sales pitch in a short amount of time, you need a basic structure that you can then tailor to each prospect's needs. To do that effectively,take these six steps.
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