Product recommendations are an integral part of the online shopping experience. Who among us hasn't ordered a jacket, jeans, and sneakers when all we intended to buy was a pack of socks?

Dynamic Yieldanalyzed data from 50 million shopping transactions and learned that visitors who engage with product recommendations generate 2.8x higher revenue per visitor and 20% greater average order value, according toan infographicpublished by the personalization company.

So it's worthwhile to devote online real estate to recommendations to help users move from window-shoppers to buyers. And as with most marketing tactics, there are best-practices to help you make recommendations as effective as they can be.

For example, ensure that recommendations display consistently across desktop, mobile, and email channels, and consider different recommendations at different stages of the customer journey, the infographic suggests.

For more recommendations on how to make the most of your product recommendations, tap or click on the infographic to see a larger version:

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image of Laura Forer

Laura Foreris a freelance writer, email and content strategist, and crossword puzzle enthusiast. She's an assistant editor at MarketingProfs, where she manages infographic submissions, among other things.