
Topic: Strategy

营销策略For Movie Ticketing Website

Posted bytajkumar123on 125 Points
i have an online movie ticket website so we are approaching the theaters to be our partners, if they will give any seats so we can put them in our site.

what should be the market strategy do we need to provide the brochure for my website or just go and present our presentation or anything you could give as the suggestion for my team. Thanks in advance
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    You need to first articulate the BENEFIT for the theaters. What's in it for them to become your "partners?" Until you understand that, you're just begging for charity.
  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    Expanding on what mgoodman said, the theaters currently sell tickets through other means. Why would they want to either switch to your or add your system in to how they do it? Will it either save them money or help them sell more tickets than they currently do? This is what you need to be able to explain to them in order for them to want to choose to use your service.
  • Posted bytajkumar123on Author
    theaters will definitely have advantage by switching to our system by increasing their customers and we will share profit on each ticket . I am asking you do i need to give brochure to the theaters when i first approach them or directly start the conversation with presentation
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    It depends on how much you already know about their specific business needs. If you don't know much, you should start with an informational interview - to listen to their needs. If you know a lot, schedule an in-person presentation.
  • Posted byhtetharon Accepted
    If your brochure can gain their attention by showing them you understand about the cinema business and the benefits of partnering-up with you, you can give them the brochure first. They are likely to call you back to make an appointment. Otherwise, make an appointment, and give your presentation.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    If I run a movie theatre, what's in the deal for me by my partnering with you needs to be WAY more than just a brochure. The creation of a brochure is often an excuse for not wanting to meet with someone face-to-face. It's not the role of a brochure to sell. How will you close these deals with theatre owners? What will you offer or guarantee that similar services don't offer?
  • Posted bywoodspunkon Accepted
    Brochure would be a waste. Simple business card with your web address ought to get things started for you.
  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    Don't movie theatres already run their own ticket sales websites? They all do here in Australia.

    If not, why not offer to set them up for them for a per-sale service fee? No risk to them, greater advance sales, less labour cost in their foyer sales booth. This means approaching the major chains at top executive level. an example of how this is working in Australia. They even charge extra for online booking and people gladly pay!
