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Using Story to Drive Action

(an online workshop for marketers)

June 3, 2020

As a marketer, you're constantly being asked to develop compelling content that engages prospects and customers. And, as every marketer knows, this is no easy task. You have multiple target audiences to generate content for, have to ensure you have a more compelling value proposition than your competitors, and do it all while keeping within established brand, voice, and tone guidelines. No easy task, indeed!

But thereisa way to make your job easier. To reduce the pressure. To take away some of that anxiety.

At MarketingProfs we believe, and have proven, that storytelling is the foundation of all communication to prospects and customers, which is why we are excited to announce that we're offering our popular storytelling workshop,Storytelling: Using Story to Drive Action首次向公众,在一天,online format.

Already registered?Sign into access the workshop, prep-work, and materials.

Registration is now closed for this workshop. We look forward to seeing you at our next date:
June 24

  • Workshop Date: June 3, 2020
  • Duration: 5 hours
  • Cost:$695| PRO price: $595
  • Cost: $695
  • Contact oursales teamfor group discounts

About This Workshop

This live, half-day workshop will explore multiple storytelling techniques and frameworks.

Starting with The Narrative Wheel, you'll see how this tribal storytelling technique is the perfect mnemonic device to help marketers craft a compelling answer to the fundamental business question: who are you and what do you do?

Next, we'll explore how a popular radio program,This American Life, holds the secret to effective storytelling.

Finally, we'll examine the popular framework moviemakers have used for years: The Monomyth Method (The Hero's Journey)—we you'll learn to develop central and primary characters for your story.

Utilizing these frameworks, you will forever banish features/benefits selling and learn the simple tactics of spellbinding, audience-centric storytelling. You'll also learnhowandwhento use these messages, how to take common objections and weave them into a story, and which frameworks and messaging are best for different stages of the buyer's journey.


  • Individual: $695
  • PRO Subscriber: $595
  • Groups: contact oursales team

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn three powerful storytelling frameworks to help develop your company's narrative and story arc: The Hero's Journey, The Narrative Wheel, and "This American Life" Method
  • Develop department-specific content to address your specific customer objections
  • Identify when and how these messages are used within the buyer's journey (i.e., brand awareness, qualified sales leads, internal and external advocacy)
  • Become a super-star storyteller for you or your organization (this one is not optional)


  • 1-day live online workshop (11am–4pm ET)
  • Downloadable PDF workbook
  • Related supplemental online coursework available prior to and for up to 60 days after workshop
  • MarketingProfs Certification upon completion of workshop and supplemental coursework
  • Workshop Date: June 3, 2020
  • Duration: 5 hours
  • Cost:$695| PRO price: $595
  • Cost: $695
  • Contact oursales teamfor group discounts

Your Instructor

Bobby Lehew


Bobby is a passionate storyteller and creative writer who loves to feature real-world successes from entrepreneurs who build distinct brands with unique voices. He is the chief content officer for commonsku, a cloud-based CRM, order management platform, and creative community that empowers entrepreneurs. Bobby crafted the MarketingProfs workshop, "Storytelling: Using Story to Drive Action" and is a frequent speaker on the topics of marketing and storytelling.

  • Workshop Date: June 3, 2020
  • Duration: 5 hours
  • Cost:$695| PRO price: $595
  • Cost: $695
  • Contact oursales teamfor group discounts


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