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In This Issue
+ How-To:How to Align Your Company's Sales and Marketing Efforts in 8 Steps
+ Podcast:Why Your Marketing Doesn't Work (& How to Fix It): Tamsen Webster
+ #SocialSkim:Kotex-Sponsored Vampires, Well-Timed Facebook Posts, More!
+ PRO Seminar:H2H—Learn to Speak Human, Share Human & Market Human
+ Survey Says:The Purchasing Behavior of B2B Buyers
+ Infographic:Seven Skills Marketers Need to Succeed
+ My View:Why Product-Centric Videos Alone Don't Support the Buyer's Journey
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How-To How to Align Your Company's Sales and Marketing Efforts in Eight Steps
By Matt Close, Maureen Blandford
By nurturing appreciation for and creating expectations of each function's role, an organization can evolve into an aligned sales and marketing model.Read More
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Podcast Why Your Marketing Doesn't Work: Tamsen Webster Talks to Marketing Smarts
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
Communication expert Tamsen Webster explains why most marketing and sales messages fail to drive action; she also shares the surprisingly simple secret to more effective messages.Read More
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PRO Seminar: H2H: Learn to Speak Human, Share Human, and Market Human
You'll discover why and how marketing communications need to be adjusted to display the same simplicity, empathy, and imperfection that exist in human nature. You'll learn the rules of social context and why you should celebrate failure on your path to success.Read More
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Advertisement Join us on October 28 for5 Power Skills to Boost Your Personal Influence. Whether you are a current leader or an aspiring one, you'll discover tips that will help you advance your initiatives and your career.Register today.
Survey Says
The Purchasing Behavior of B2B Buyers
By Ayaz Nanji
超过三分之二(68%)的B2B布鲁里溃疡yers now purchase goods online, up from 57% last year, according to a recent report from the Acquity Group.Read More
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Quick Take
#SocialSkim: Kotex-Sponsored Vampires, Well-Timed Facebook Posts, Foursquare's First Ad Campaign
By Angela Natividad
Get the scoop on Foursquare's first ad campaign and Kotex's lunge for vampire-loving teens. Learn how to make sure your Facebook posts appear at the best times for your audience. And skim the rest of this week's roundup to stay in social shape!Read More
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My View Why Product-Centric Marketing Videos Alone Don't Support the Buyer's Journey
By Bruce McKenzie
When creating a marketing video, don't focus solely on the product. Product-centric videos usually derail a prospect from the buyer's journey.Read More
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Oct 28
FREE Seminar—5 Power Skills to Boost Your Personal Influence
Nov 6
PRO Seminar—How to Create Visual Content That Drives Traffic and Gets Shared
PRO Seminar—How to Lead the Mindful Marketing Revolution
Virtual ConferenceThe Mobile Revolution3 online sessions—FREE!
Dec 4
MarketingProfs University—Email Marketing Master Course