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Most customers spend more as a result of a positive customer experience, and more than half of customers who recommend a brand do so because of the customer experience (versus other factors, such as price or product), research has found.


Yet, poor customer experience drives brand switching—typically a key reason for three quarters of lost customers. And most customers who suffer a bad customer experience spread negative word-of-mouth.

Recent research* conducted by B2B International found that only 14% of large B2B organizations are truly customer-centric—i.e., the customer experience is ingrained in the fabric of the company.



In examining the customer experience of over 500 B2B brands, we identified the six pillars behind B2B customer experience excellence, and then we tested the performance of those pillars in a recent survey* of B2B marketers of large firms:


1. Commitment

The first step in customer experience excellence is to be committed to satisfying customers and making them feel valued. Without that commitment across the company, it is significantly more difficult to succeed on the remaining pillars of customer experience excellence.

Only around a half of B2B firms are committed—again, highlighting the opportunity for B2B companies to differentiate through customer-centricity.


Many B2B firms are guilty of selling products and services that they want to sell, rather than what the customer really wants and values. Rightly, then, the next pillar of customer experience excellence relates to understanding and delivering on customer needs.


3. Seamlessness

公司可以提供有价值的产品和服务,但客户如何感知entire journey, from registering the need to receiving the final deliverable?

Across hundreds of B2B brands, a key driver of overall satisfaction and loyalty is ease of doing business with the supplier. Whether it's a manufacturing company, a reseller or a financial services supplier, seamlessness is vital to a successful customer experience.


4. Responsiveness


Responsiveness is a critical pillar of customer experience excellence that spans touchpoints across the customer journey, such as communications, deliveries, and issue resolution.

Failing on this important requirement can increase customer defection, and so it is alarming that only 39% of B2B firms perform well on responsiveness.

5. Proactivity


6. Evolution

The final pillar, evolution, describes the totally customer-centric firm that recognizing it must always make improvements to the customer experience because customer needs, attitudes, and behaviors change over time.


* * *



*Asurvey of 266 B2B marketing professionals在2015年的最后一季度进行。该研究跨越北美和欧洲,并调查的大公司服务业务(平均受访者业务规模为60亿美元收入)。

More Resources on the Pillars of Customer Experience


Goodbye Funnel, Hello Flywheel: How to Build the New Customer Experience (CX)




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image of Julia Doheny (Cupman)

Julia Doheny(Cupman)is president of research, North America, at global business-to-business market research agencyB2B International.(a Merkle B2B company), which serves a wide range of sectors. Reach her via +1-914-761-1909 or email:julia.doheny@b2binternational.com..

LinkedIn:Julia Doheny(Cupman)