
Topic: Other

Seeking Opinions On Key Marketing Materials

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I work for a small stat up web design firm (we do some print & advertising as well, but mainly web development - front and back end). My question is this, what are the top 3-5 pieces of marketing collateral we need in order to appear professional & polished with our clients).


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  • Posted byDeremiah *CPEon Accepted
    Hi Tiffany,

    I just recently heard a great audio series produced by Nightingale Conant corporation for a branding expert named Peter Montoya. In his presentation "The Brand Called YOU" in part 3: Marketing Tools, Peter notes the following in this order:

    Personal Brochures = Single Fold, Bi-fold, Gateforld, Accordion, Book or Folders

    Personal Web Sites = (you should be the expert at this since you do web design) LOL.

    Direct Mail = The personal post card.

    I'm sure some of our branding experts on board the profs may give other suggestions or recommendations. But you can't discount the following also...

    Business Cards

    I have a special recommendation that I have used with huge success and that's the personalized handwritten Thank You note. This is a wonderful marketing tool that has brought me huge success and Raving fans.

    I hope the above helps. Look forward to reading more of your questions, ideas and suggestions. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    C-reating P-ositive E-xpressions
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks so much Deremiah... I was thinking the same in regards to your response... but I love the addition of the thank you note... What a small thing that can have a huge impact. Thanks again for taking the time to respond.

    By the way... I love your title!

  • Posted by彼得(指甲花外国人)on Accepted
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Brochure and website are musts, of course.

    In addition, I'd recommend a GREAT presentation deck ... so your presentations look as impressive as what you're going to deliver to the client. You might even consider putting the presentation on a CD and use that as the leave-behind -- complete with customized content for each prospective client.

    Regardless of the materials, the most important element in presenting yourself is the research you do on each prospect and the way you demonstrate your grasp of the situation. Flashy graphics and well-crafted words are no substitute for substance.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you to everyone for your responses... I definitely have a good feel for what I should invest in immediately as well as great thoughts for the future of the company. Thanks again,


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