
Topic: Student Questions

Defining A Dissertation Question

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am a Degree student and have to select a topic for my dissertation of 15,000 words. I am basically interested in a Marketing subject and have a few areas of research in my mind. I am finding it difficult to come to a specific question for the research.

I am thinking of focusing my dissertation on canned foods -tins in particular, and linking this in with consumer buying behaviour. I also want to see if consumers prefer the branded name goods or prefer the taste of the goods. I don't know how to word the question.

Should I put ' When making a purchase do consumers opt for brand names or prefer taste'?. Do you think this sounds okay or a bit naff? is it too rigid. How can I make this more specific? or cant I?

I am so confused. Any help will be appreciated.
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  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    "The 7th sense. Does the brand 'create' taste?

  • Posted on Author
    I dont know how to incorporate that into my question tho
  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Accepted
    What Michael is saying is "Does the brand of the product effect they way in which the product tastes to he consumer?"

    Like Pepsi vs Coke.

    When people are blind folded and are giving coke and coke they prefer pepsi, and a part of their brain lights up which.

    When they are told that they like pepsi better a different part of there brain lights up and they switch to coke.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for your reply firefox. I understand what you are saying but I wanted to aim this research at baby tinned and jar foods, now the baby doesn't know what brand of the tin it is - only the taste- however the parent does? does the parents actions influence the child's decision? and do the different brands really have a required taste.

    How could I incorporate both your answers into this equation or cant I?

    I'm also interested in looking at whether mothers buy jars or prefer to make homemade and why. If they buy jars which ones they prefer brand wise and why or if they let the baby decide the brand based on taste. It is this that I am having trouble with putting into a suitable question and looking at the research. My mind is a bit confused.

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