
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Internet Consultancy Biz

Posted by Anonymous on 375 Points

New online internet consultancy company with name:


needs compelling tagline.

Customers: SME
custome made online solutions
no nonsense
complete solutions
honest pricing (affordable)
incomparable service
added value
Services: from basic website design, upto online database, e-commerce, e-marketing, SEO (search engine optimization) ...

I love the tagline of Heineken beer:

"Heineken refreshes the parts other beers cannot reach."

Something with similar idea should be great:

Something like ... (but better of course):
"Ahead in affordable online solutions"

Why the name aXeble ?

for me (as no native English speaker) it sounds as a shortcut for "accessible"

which could mean:
that my "internet consultancy" is aXeble (accessible)
the prices are aXeble
the company is aXeble

Something nice to:
my surname is Hacha, which is Spanish for axe

AXE on it's own is the implement you use to cut down a tree. This could be conceived as "cutting edge", forging new ground etc.

aXeble ... has the opportunity to use the X as a distinctive symbol (logo)

Best regards,
Guy Hacha

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  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    Sounds difficult for a native English speaker.
    If it was aXesable it would be easier to pronounce.

    Then you would be able to go with a tagline like:

    "Where cutting edge solutions meet leading edge service."

  • Posted by胡椒蓝色on Accepted

    aXeble is very difficult to sound out, phonetically, it doesn't sound out the way you intend it to, it is more like Axe Able (at best).

    我鼓励你后悔hink it. The other part of the strategy is sound, and I like Michael's idea, but you need to first really think this over and decide if that is the best name for you.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Gotta hate names with X in them, but here goes random thoughts

    aXeble... fleXable, agreeable and able
    aXeble, more than just a cutting edge
    aXeble, more X factor than Simon Cowell
    aXeble Xpression through design
    aXeble X is our spot
    aXeble going the Xtra mile

    have fun

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