
Topic: Branding

Evictions As Brand-busters

Posted bycairrilon 250 Points
Our firm has several clients in the apartment/property management industry. Many are upscale with great customer service and good reputations. Yet they sometimes get stuck with a bad apple and have to go through the process of warning that person to pay rent on time and (occasionally) evicting them.

One client recently asked, "What impact will this have on my brand? What happens if that person goes out and 'tells everyone' that we're a bad company? Are evictions brand-busters? What's the best way to handle them?"

We have our own opinions on this but would love to hear yours!
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  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Member
    What is going to happen to your brand if you let them stay with out paying rent?

    They might tell other people then you will have lot of people that dont pay coming into your place, then you wont be "upscale" anymore.
  • Posted bymichaelon Member
    I don't think it affects your brand at all, unless you regularly are evicting people. Too many evictions and people won't want to rent from them because they realize there are "those people" in the building somewhere.


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