
Topic: Advertising/PR

Pixel Advertising

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have discovered an advertising technique that is interesting and getting a lot of attention on the Internet.

It's called "Pixel Advertising" and there is a web site I signed up on and seek your professional opinion. It might be a short lived technique, then again maybe not.

To summarize: People buy blocks of pixels which are displayed using a graphic of your choice which links to your web site. They keep count of the hits, or exposures, and clicks. You can also have a short description of your site which pops up when you roll over your pixel or pixels. Offering you exposure on the Internet from all the folks who are also advertising there and others visiting the site.

It's quite interesting and unusual. What do you think about it's longevity and effectiveness?

I'm not trying to advertise this site here so please don't take it that way, I just want some professional opinions before I consider spending more money on it.

Take a look and post your reply.

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  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    I guess it would be ok as long as 2 things were true

    1) I was selling get rich quick stuff
    2) I didn't mind that soft porn was advertised next to mine

    Other than that, I look at it as logo-soup. Who can name all the advertisers on Jeff Gordan's uniform? How many logos are displayed on the ice at the United Center?

    Just my thoughts......
  • Posted bydarcy.moenon Accepted
    It's a conveluted mess, and on the whole, I think payments for 'advertising' are more of a gift to the site owner than it is advertising. One would offer more advertising value using phpAdsNew and proper ad placement within website content, or using google ads. It would look better, and be more structured. But hey, it's your website, do what you want with it.

    Darcy Moen
  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Accepted
    Since YOU OWN the website, it IS an advertisment. It has your name plastered ALL over it, you even included an affilate link the "ebizns" is a tracking code.

    I like the milliondollorhomepage site better, it doesnt have advertisments inside advertisments, and the graphics seem better not streched out and pixeleated like the ones on your site.

  • Posted on Accepted
    It's quite interesting and unusual, BUT it will not last.

    It falls in the quadrant HIGH LOVE / LOW RESPECT and will not last. (

  • Posted bysteven.alkeron Accepted
    As it’s your site, your time and your money, why not try it. Forget the criticisms, you’ve only your reputation to lose and even that can only be lost if you already have one.

    www.Milliondollarhomepage.comwas a brilliant idea from the student who invented it, in order to earn himself some money to pay off his student loans. That he succeeded beyond his aspirations (Though not beyond the name he chose) deserves a “Well Done” His risk was time, money and angst. His advertisers took the risk that it would work for them and what advertiser doesn’t do that.

    The hype, because it was a new idea and all the newspapers picked up on it, guaranteed exposure and hits beyond his projections, but let’s be fair – he did some brilliant marketing using every freebie channel we professionals here could have come up with and it worked.

    Anything after that in the same vein is going to be a “me-to” and I suspect an “also ran” If his site loses popularity after a year or so, well, no one was conned, so it’s thanks for the million dollars and onto the next novel idea.

    Any imitators will find themselves in the same position that all competitors do when they trail in the market. They can “spoil” the brand leader, but at huge cost and no profit to themselves. Look at Virgin Cola – a fine drink and an important way of Sir Richard getting his brand onto the supermarket shelves, but to the locomotives that Coke and Pepsi run, it must have been a bit like a fly hitting the windscreen!

    不,我认为它与布里尔是一个瞬态的想法iant timing and good exploitation of free (or near free) marketing. A bit like those companies who made a mint in the pre-web days by flogging plots on the moon – they promised no title, nothing legal, but a nice piece of paper and made over $1m dollars. The next guys who tried the same trick with plots on Mars made nothing.

    In 1991, some plonker tried to sell Grid areas on the gorgeous images of the Mandelbrot Set. I’m sure that it would have worked had the readers of the tabloids been more acquainted with fractal geometry – at least before a group of us killjoy’s (Mathematicians and Scientists) pointed out that within each plot being sold, there were infinite self-similar replications of the patterns that someone else hoped that they had bought in another plot, so it was a bit like trying to buy a legal title to some vacuum. (How do you prove that you have ownership of some “nothing” which happens to exist everywhere?!)

    Good luck, keep up the chutzpah, don’t make specious claims and give it a go.

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions

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