
Topic: Branding

Question On A New Brand Name

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm starting a consultancy firm based on growing B2B online sales for companies via affiliate marketing and similar partnerships...

What do you think of:


\Ven*di"tion\, n. [L. venditio: cf. F. vendition.] The act of vending, or selling; sale.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.


n : the act of selling goods for a living [syn: vending, peddling, hawking]

来源:WordNet 2.0®,©2003 Princeton University
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  • Posted bywnelsonon Member
    I believe the word is certainly clever, but too obscure for most of your potential clients to "get." And since the world is full of "made-up" eWords, I have doubts anyone would ask you what it meant - so its utility as a "conversation starter" is limited too. I suppose if you included the dictionary definition and pronunciation on business cards, letterhead, and collateral material - that would work. I don't think eHawking, eVending, eSelling, or ePeddling would work either.

    也许如果你开始the basics - look at your marketing strategy. Who are your customers? You say B2B - but that is a broad group - about half of the companies out there. Which B2B companies? What are their needs? Who is your competition (probably too numerous to count)? How do they satisfy the customers' needs and for which group of customers? What affects these customers emotionally in their buying decisions - words, phrases, images, etc? What areyourcore competencies? How do you or can you satisfy the needs of the customers better than the competition? Given all this, what is your position statement - how are your services placed versus the competition, the other services and products available, the competitors' services, the features and benefits of your services?

    Once you consider all this, then it's time to think branding. Name, logo, tag lines, etc. I believe that perhaps the upfront marketing strategy might lead you to a name that strikes a chord with your customers and gives you the uniqueness you are seeking.

    I hope this helps.


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