
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Help Coming Up With Creative Team Slogan

Posted by Anonymous on 1125 Points
I need help in coming up with a slogan or catch phrase. My self and another real estate agent have teamed up and I am trying to come up with something different and not cheesy to print on flyers. I tried to think of something with our names (Amy Givens, Joe Shaver) but I am not having much luck. Please Help! I wanted something about him being an appriaser to help generate listings if possible.
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  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    Givens and Shaver.... Your team in the Real Estate Game...
  • Posted on Accepted

    "Shaver and Givens, Partners in Real Estate"

    "Joe Real and Amy Estate, Shaver and Givens, Your Property Specialists"


  • Posted on Accepted
    if you are after catchy incorporating your names (and if we forget that, yes, your vision mission and consequently the slogan should come from a serious strategy involving your strengths and differentiating points), maybe something like this:
    Shaver and Givens - we Shave off expenses (or whetever is the NONO in the realestate game) and Give you value"
  • Posted byfakeplasticcoon Accepted

    Shaver & Givens real estate team.
    Cause 2 is better than 1.

    Shaver & Givens real estate team.
    Destination: Home.


  • Posted on Accepted
    Shaver & Givens: The Home Team
  • Posted on Accepted

    How about

    Shavers & Given. Twice the experience. Twice the value.

    Good luck!

  • Posted on Accepted
    how about any of the following:

    Shaver and Givens, your property is our business.

    S&G, we deal in property.

    Your dream, our location, Joe and Amy's Real Estate team.

    S&G:home is where the heart is, we help you find the right place to put it.

    The right house,
    The right choice,
    G & S.

    Realising your dream is our mission:
    S & G the REAL Estate Agency.

    Share your vision with us
    and we'll give you a new address.
    Shaver and Givens- the estate agency that delivers.

    hope they are n't too cheesy!


  • Posted bybrowncatfanon Accepted
    More for the pile: (My favorites with *)

    Close. Two. Home! *

    Shaver and Givens. Artists in Residences. *

    You'll be DOUBLY satisfied.

    Homes with twice the WOW!

    Worth a second glance.

    Homes so nice, you'll do a double-take!

    Twice as much help!

  • Posted byNovaHammeron Accepted
    "Know what you've got before it's gone"

    Worse perhaps than not selling at all is letting something go for less than full value, your experience and appraisal skills together should reassure clients they'll achieve full value when sold.

    This tag line should help.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Amy's a Giver and Joe's Shaven.

    ——啊可能be not --


    Put the Real in your Estate
    with Givens and Shaver.

    Givens and Shaver
    Putting the "Real" back in Real Estate.
  • Posted on Member
    I have a problem:
    I need to come up with a "catchy" slogan for a health education center. The center concentrates on children, so something young and cute would be ideal. My icon will be a "healthy apple," an apple which in running, with a sweatband and tennis shoes on. The idea of this facility is promoting a healthy lifestyle.
    Thank you for your help!

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