
Topic: E-Marketing

E-newsletter: Inclusion Of Advertisement

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I currently work with two e-newsletters that have no advertisement in them. The company I work for has agreed to include advertisement in the e-newsletters.

Is there any legislation on internet advertising for e-newsletters? Do I need inform users on the inclusion of advertisement? Also, do I need to have a statement on the opt-in page stating that there will be advertisements in the e-newsletters?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    No you do not need to inform users about inclusion of advertisements, nor is there any legislation about inclusion. No statement is needed about advertisements on your opt in page. You will need a statement if you are going to send them email promotions from third parties.

    You may want, however, to tell your subscribers why you 'have decided to include messages from carefully selected sponsors'.

    Not much to do really!

    Peter Hobday

  • Posted byPepper Blueon Accepted
    Hi badeleke,

    Nope, like Peter said, not much to worry about from a legal perspective. Just use the normal good practices and follow CAN-SPAM and you'll be O.K.

    Of course you want to carefully pick those advertisers and monitor the CTR on them, and if it is weak and/or the general response is not favorable, then you want change the content/layout of the ads or sponsors. Sounds like you're on top of things so this shouldn't be a problem.
  • Posted bydarcy.moenon Accepted
    Might be an idea to accept advertisers who are relevant to the list content. I couldn't see how bodybuilder ads would fit in with a ladies lingerie list....and no, there is no advertising police other than your subsciber's good sense and decorum. Use their best judgement as your guide, and you'll find the list if happy and content.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network
  • Posted on Accepted
    badeleke - what we do is put

    -- Advertisement --


    and a line --------- below the sponsors message.

    That differentiates it from your editorial. Your first ad, the most important ad, goes early on in your editorial, within the first half page. That will get the most clicks. You can track that yourself by putting your own ad in that space.

    Peter Hobday

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