
Topic: Student Questions

Marketing: What Is It?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
what is marketing? explain briefly please
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  • Posted byPepper Blueon Accepted
    Hi alayna,

    营销是(或应该是)一个集成的过程in which all of your tactics - advertising, direct marketing, websites, email marketing, brochures, etc. should work together to drive your sales, profit and valuation.

    It doesn't matter if these sales occur at a cash register, an online shopping cart, a lunch meeting, golf course, wherever it may be, these tactics should leverage/synergize each other.

    Equally important to define is what marketing is not, which is spending money on marketing tactics - and there are many more than those mentioned above - that don't product a positive return on the money invested.

  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    don't forget the 4 P's =

    Product (What is it you are marketing - is it right, does it perform the way the target segments expect, etc)

    Price (What does the market expect to pay?)

    Place (i.e. Distribution Channels),

    Promotion (How you get word out about the product)

    Good Luck

  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Accepted
    Marketing: Creating the message and image

    Sales: Delivering the message and product

    --Good Luck!
  • Posted on Accepted
    Marketing is the be all and end all of business - without marketing, you are nothing.

    Marketing is any and every form of analysis, segmentation, targeting and communication that you have with your customers. It can be as big as a targeted global mailing and as small as the way in which you answer the phone. It's everything you do that affects a relationship you have whether it be with your staff, customers or suppliers.

    I personally don't like to say things like "marketing is not sales" or "advertising is different from marketing" because in my book they all merge into one if done correctly. The problem comes when marketers get protective of what their job is (we hate being labelled as sales) - what this blinkered approach fails to realise is that the way in which your sales staff speak to your customers is ingrained in the discipline of marketing and affects the relationship in which your company is perceived. Could anything be more "marketing"?

    Sales is a function - advertising is a tool - marketing is a mindset.

  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    marketing: message(s) delivered to a target customer

    sales: closing the deal, one-to-one

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