
Topic: Website Critique

Review For Ease Of Navigation

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
We recently received some negative feedback on our online catalog. It was noted that customer service was receiving quite a few calls from customers that they could not locate the items they were searching for within our online catalog. Any feedback to your own personal impressions on ease of use of the navigation and or search feature would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted on Member
    You will need to provide a URL to go to your online catalog.
  • Posted on Member
    Thanks, Ken!

    真的是你的“最后更新”12月31日,2003 ?没有我们nder you have issues...! First of all, if this is your home page (it seems to be), unless I already knew who you were, how I got here, and what I was looking for...I (your potential customer) would be clueless. When I selected your for your request form...this page is much clearer than the one I started with! BTW, you need to post assurance to your requestor that his/her info will not be resold or otherwise used without their permission. Although the drop-down selection for your catalogs works well, are you sure this is the best way of presenting this information?

    Make use of the Title on your page; this is also collected by search engines. Speaking of SEO, what have you done so far? Obviously, you've spent time and money to get the mechanics behind your site working...good job...but aesthetically, yawn... Who is your audience? Why would they come back...or even stay long enough to buy?

    Hope that helps,
    Debi Brady
    Writing & Marketing Consultant
  • Posted byReadCopyon Accepted
    To be honest ANY business is there to service a market, if a significant amount of potential customers from your market is saying that they cannot find your products, then thats a pretty big SIGNPOST that you need to address the search on the site. You really have no need for our feedback!

    Seems to me like you just need a developer who knows how to write a search query, a search for "ent", should bring back whole words only, but brings me any results that have "ent" anywhere in it (154 results).

    If I was you I would contact SLI Systems, one of the best and cheapest suppliers in the search market. Not only is it a really good search engine, but it also works on your SEO at the same time, gotta be seen, it really has.
    或call Endeca, these are my personal fave, but extremely expensive!

    Good Luck

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