
Topic: Student Questions

Marketing Management Philosophy

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
我的MBA学生。我想知道,这是best marketing management philosophy from the 1. Production, 2. Selling, 3. Marketing. Tell Me Why?Explain it With Examples
I Also Want to know from these three Philosophies which is at the last no. Tell Me Why?Explain it With Examples.
Some Production and Selling successful organizations are remain at the marketing management philosophy, not progressing to the marketing concept. Why? Support your answer with examples
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  • Posted bywnelsonon Member

    We don't do your homework here. If you would like to tell us:
    Which is the best marketing management philosophy
    1. Production
    2. Selling
    3. Marketing.

    And support it examples, or alternately you could discuss that some successful production and selling organizations remain at the marketing management philosophy, not progressing to the marketing concept. Tell us why you think this is and support your answer with examples.

    If you do this, we will be glad to have a discussion with you.

    Please read the Important Guidelines, in particular #5.


  • Posted bywnelsonon Member
    这是一个糟糕的一步不付出一些努力to this first. Do some research on this. Marketing manament philosophies abound in marketing text books. Libraries have papers on marketing management. Marketing magazines discuss marketing management. What are the possible marketing management philosophies you could adopt and if you adopted a particular philosophy, what actions do you have to take in production, sales, and marketing? Given this, under what conditions make that philosophy the right one (best)?

    Explain what you mean when you say, "some organizations remain at the marketing management philosophy, not progressing to the marketing concept. Give an example of what this means. Do you have in mind any organizations that are examples? If not, give some examples of what a company may or may not be doing today at the marketing management philosophy and what they would or wouldn't do if they progressed to the marketing concept level.
  • Posted on Member
    pls help,
    am fremah,
    what is the biggest differencc between the marketing concept and the production and product concept,

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