
Topic: Career/Training

Best Job Search Ideas For Senior Marketer?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi everyone.

Some of you will recognize me from participating in the KHE over the past 2 weeks. I find the participants here to be top notch thinkers, so I'm starting here with my info gathering.

Here's the scoop:
I need some advice on the best/most effective places to look on and offline for quality marketing jobs in Charlotte, NC because I'm fairly new to the area.

To give you a little background, I am a 16 year veteran of the marketing, advertising, graphic design industry at the Director/Vice President level. I spent most of my career based out of Boston, MA until I took a job as the head of marketing and business development for a new full service marketing firm (in Charlotte about a year ago). I have worked with many regional, national and international A-List B2C and B2B brands along the way and am really plugged-in to today's marketing trends, techniques, and approaches involving traditional and new media.

我想找一个公司代理或corporate side that is open to embracing these new trends/techniques in marketing. And, that will appreciate my vision and leadership in this area.

I'll be tapping into the network of contacts that I've made over my career through, Charlotte Chamber of Commerce, Charlotte Home Builders Association, Charlotte AdClub, NASCAR, and various others. But, I realize that I need to pursue a job through other avenues at the same time.

Any advice?

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  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Member
    You are taking the right approach... personal networking is the answer to your problem
  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Member is a good source
  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Member
    Sorry I didn't read the bottom of your post. Sorry
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Elizabeth,

    You could try this site - it's the Association of Executive search consultants. Under About us -> List of AESC Members you will find the sites of all executive search companies and their open positions - maybe you'll like something.

    Good luck :)
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    I really must suggest that you get a copy ofThe Potato Chip Difference. The subtitle is "How to apply leading edge marketing strategies to landing the job you want."

    From what you've said, you already have the marketing strategy skills. What you need to do now is treat your job search as a marketing project -- which it is.

    You can get the book through,, or most major bookstores in the US. Or you can go to the websitewww.potatochipdifference.comand order it there. (You get a free booklet if you order through the website.)

    I think you'll find that the book gives you the basis for an action plan based on what you already know as a marketing professional.

    Good luck.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you to all who responded. I have registered on and have visited I also plan to read The Potato Chip Difference.

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