
Topic: Career/Training

Need Help On Becoming A Marketing Consultant

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
I am currently a Marketing Director for a small industrial product company. I currently design layouts for flyers for our mailers and am currently working on a product magazine. I want to start a marketing consulting practice on the side where I would go to small companies and design their brochures, flyers, business cards, etc. I have done some outside work in the past and have built up a portfolio of my work. I would like to start this by next year, so could you tell me what it takes to start something like this? Any advice would help!
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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Member
    There are two sides to this - starting the business and getting customers.

    On starting the business, I would recommend that you read "The Small Business Start Up Kit" by Peri Pakroo. It is available on Amazon, among other places. Covers most subjects required to start a business (basics of a business plan, forms to fill out, whether to incorporate or not, location, naming, etc.) - some won't be relavent to your business, but still is worth reading.

    Once you start the business, getting business is the challenge. You've done the first step - getting a portfolio together and having some referencable customers. I would start by asking those who you have worked with if they know others who need assisatnce, and see if you can get some additional work by word of mouth.
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    年前有一个小公司称为Creative Dept. They positioned themselves for overflow work from companies large enough to have inhouse marketing communications departments. Once they received a few projects from a company, they were viewed as part of the team and would casually come and go as required. They DID NOT go the retainer route.

    Perhaps you could position your services in a way that's related to this case study.

    good luck
  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Member
    I think rob and mbarber nailed it. You really need to think about what you really do, who you really are, how well your target market responds to such services, etc. Being a marketing director, this should come as no surprise.

    Good Luck!

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