
Topic: Research/Metrics

Market Share (actual Verses Fair)

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I work within the meeting industry and required to determine the actual and fair market share of the convention centre i work within the local market. any ideas of how best i can go about this are most welcome.
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  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Member
    I think the problem you will have is determining the total market value. The meeting business is segmented between tradeshows and conventions, business events, consumer events and even personal events such as weddings. Also, there are centers like yours, specialty centers and also hotels. There are producers, staging companies, labor companies, tradeshow booth designers and such.

    So I guess first you must decide which segments you are competing in and then I would start an Internet search of Associations and magazines that cater to this market. Meeting Planners International is a good start. Also companies like Forrester Research have many reports on different industries.

    My question to you is why is this so important? Seems to me the time spent trying to determine this elusive figure would be better spent working to increase share. Sorry, but from your message it sounds like this is some executive or governmental "requirement" That does not make much sense to me. But that is just my opinion.

    Harry Hallman
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks alot Harry for your quick response.

    I must admit this is a very ambigous task but it happens to be an assignment i have been given to do.

    我们正在增加了市场份额,但是the question is 'how do we know that we increasing our market share vis-a-vis our competition?.

    And you are right its an 'executive requirement' as well.

    Once again, thanks alot

  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    Here's where you can make the numbers show whatever you want.

    You can do:
    Market share of all meetings in you locale.
    Market share of all meetings in your locale over 250 people
    Percentage of total meeting space in your market

    I'd suggest you contact your counterpart in another city of similar size. They can give you an idea of how they rank in the above areas. Then you can use that (or get a bunch of cities' data) as a benchmark for where your share should be and what would be above average.


  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    Market share should be measured in people attending your location vs the other locations.

    When it comes to exhibition halls... its butts in the seats that counts...
  • Posted on Author
    To Michael, Frank and Harry

    I have found your responses very useful. infact, i applied them in a proposal on "How to measure market share", which i presented and it was received very well. i do therefore return my gratitude by saying "Thank you all" for your valuable help.

    and i repeat, Thank you very much.

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