
Topic: Advertising/PR

Need Clients For Print/electronic!!!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
我带来一个惊人的广告公司,Niksun Ad World, Inc. to the U.S. and need help finding clients who are interested in top quality print or electronic media advertising at a much lower cost than what is available to them in the U.S. thanks to outsourcing much of the production work.

If anyone knows of start-up companies or companies that are looking for new means of advertising at half the cost, please contact me, Sruti, at (908) 217-2721 or

I am dire need of setting up a client base seeing as though it's my first time treading these waters. The company already has about 10 years of successful work under its belt throughout Asia, Europe and Australia, but now it's my turn to open its doors to the U.S.

So please help!
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  • Posted bytelemoxieon Member
    It seems to me you have a lot of work to do.

    Is this the same company:https://www。

    My appologies if I'm looking at the wrong site - buthttps://www。 totally inappropriate for the US market.

    Sorry to be blunt, but from reviewing that web site, and reading your post, I have to agree that you need help in communicating with the US market...

    ... and most folks I talk with are looking for proven experts with a proven track record, not for inexpensive firms they will have to educate, train, correct, and coach.

    I have often wondered if international firms pay sufficient attention to the intricacies of "American" English. For example, in Europe, it is common for folks to speak multiple languages, and so it seems to me that small grammatical errors are ignored. However, in the US, we are just beginning to experience "multiple languages" (mostly Spanish) and most US folks have a low tolerance for grammatical errors.

    Maybe you could start by hiring a (professional, US based) copywriter or editor to clean up your language.
  • Posted byPhoenix ONEon Member
    First and foremost, forget about "attacking" this market- I suggest you find a few firms that are established in the US and offer a joint venture partnership -
    If you services, quality prices are as exceptional as you say they will be more than happy to meet with you and discuss what synergism could occur.

    But I agree with my colleagues above, offering simply a low price will NOT achieve much.

    This market requires no let me rephrase that demands you have the ability to communicate, then create, then understand demographics. With that said other than price which of these components does your company achieve.

    You are correct about one thing you are very deep water, suggest you find a swimming coach.

    Good Luck & Happy Marketing~
  • Posted byA-Luxon Accepted
    Hi sddesai10,

    You need years of expertise and understanding of the market to get new clients. I don't think new clients would want to risk their business if you are just learning and getting your feet wet.

    Partnering with a US based company would be the best solution for you. You will learn the market and its intricacies in time and through experience.

  • Posted byPhoenix ONEon Member
    Your comments to this board totally reinforce the points that my colleagues were trying to outline to you.

    Your challenge will be the market, but thebigger challengeWill be yourself.

    To equate economic outsourcing as support for your competence to advertise, market, and capture business is not only truly naive, it is absurd. Your only tangible benefit will be price no more no less. Eventually, when you add factors for your loss of opportunity, increase in communications and softsells, your low cost really not be so.

    One Point you said "10,000 jobs were outsourced", you forgot to mention 422,000 NEW jobs were created in the US. The People from your country looking to work, live and learn in the US on work visas rose to an all time level in 2005- why? For every technology job outsourced 16 are created daily in the US.

    But I am certain you already know all of that - and I have spent enough time - I should have outsourced this response.

    I suggest you repost in 120 days with your New updated site link and validated US client testimonials and we will all learn from you !

    Good Luck ~

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