
Topic: Advertising/PR

How Do I Get Clients For My Startup Ad Agency?

Posted by Anonymous on 200 Points
I need an expert to answer a few questions, I am attempting to start an advertising agency, however i have a few great ideas for ads , jingles and event marketing. I need to know how to appoarch the client,how much info to share up front, and how to go about securing my jingles and or pitches. could be a great national commerical ad and branding project for years to come.and also how to secure the slogan created for the campign?
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  • Posted byReadCopyon Member
    I take it as you are thinking about starting a new ad business you believe you could do better than many out there ? If you have, thats a start!

    Reading the trade press over the many years, it seems that many of these new agencies that are not spun off from another larger agency start by taking business from small/medium companies, who often do not have an incumbant agency on their books.
    Other good clients to look at are Public Sector . Start with a small client list, prove that you can do it and work from there.

    btw, Josh and his NDA is a great idea.
  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Accepted
    Well, regarding the security of your jingles, slogans, etc, you can do what is known as the "Poor Man's Copyright" by mailing a copy to yourself and not opening Andrew suggested.

    或you can go to They offer a "shortcut" to obtaining copyrights and trademarks for a VERY reasonable price.

    As far as acquiring clients. I have some techiniques I will share with you via email. Check you inbox and reply to make sure I have made the right connection and we'l talk!

    Good luck!

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