
Topic: Taglines/Names

New Tech Company Needs A Tagline With Punch

Posted by Anonymous on 275 Points
Hi Board. We could really use your help. We're stuck trying to come up with a memorable tag line for our startup IT company. We're looking for something catchy, maybe a little tongue and cheek, definitely nothing too stiff.

Here's a little about us:

The name of our company is Jupiter Fox. Jupiter Fox is a Hi-Tech service business. The focus is small to midsized businesses who want to maximize their productivity. It's sort of a blown up version of IT consulting. Our ideal clients are companies that don't have a true IT staff.

Things don't need to be busted for us to provide huge benefits for our clients. If you’re operating at 70% we generate a plan to increase your efficiency to 90%.

Jupiter isn't white collar or blue collar. Is there a purple collar? Purple it is. Our idea is similar to a Style design show where they come in look at your kitchen, bathroom, landscaping, choice of paint turn to you and say: "eww you live here?"

...Then we pat you on the back, reassure you that we understand, and then - we get to work.

I hope you kind souls have fresh ideas because we're all out for now.

Here's the tag lines we came up with so far, yeah I know, they're weak, lol

Please help.

Jupiter Fox - Get the edge and keep it
Jupiter Fox - Help Before You Need It
Jupiter Fox - Putting Technology to Better Use

Thanks in advance!
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  • Posted byVesleberton Member
    A couple of ideas:

    Easy Technology at Your Service.
    Business-oriented Technology.
    Let Technology help your Business.
    Practical Technology for Profit Achievement.
    The Tech Way for Profitable Business Management
    Better Profitability Through technology.
    Productive Technology for Your Business

    Good luck!

  • Posted bypghpromoon Member
    Thanks for your helpful description. Here are some thoughts:

    * Technology is a blast.
    * When it comes to I.T., we mind your business.
    * Rebuild your technology from inside out.
    * Business tech at a whole new level.
    * Technology that's good for business.
    * Strange name. Cool technology.
    * Put technology to work for you.
    * Make your office work for YOU.
    * Technology-driven solutions where you want to be.
    * In a techno world, we are on your side.
    * Business technology can be your friend.
    * Color us Tech.
    * Top notch service. Bottom line solutions.

    (Slice and dice. Mix and match. Good luck!)

    -- Paul
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Techno-Geeks To The Rescue
    We're Roto-Rooter™ For Technology
    Techno-Efficiency Experts
    We're Computer Whisperers
    Real-Life High-Tech Superheroes
    Technology Divas
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for all the responses. We'll be going over these tonight and tomorrow morning. If you have time please keep them coming.

    You folks are fantastic!
  • Posted on Author
    Leaning on the wisdom posted here we've decided since our name tells you ZERO about what we do, our tag line must.

    Anymore suggestions including technology or solutions or....

  • Posted bypghpromoon Member
    Hmmm...Well, then, why not stick with your original thought that you offer a "blown up version" of IT consulting.

    Your slogan could be:
    * "IT Consulting and Beyond."
    * "IT Consulting and More. Way More."
    *“你湾t Technology. We Can Help."
    * "Technology as Big as You Need."
    * "IT Consulting that's Out of this World"

    -- Paul
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Jupiter Fox,

    Here is the problem.
    Those taglines are a cliche,
    and don't give the clear single benefit.

    The tagline really needs to say it all.
    You can't be all things to all people.
    You surely don't want to fade into the background.

    How about:

    "Your personal I.T Department"
    "When you need an IT Department"
    "We are your IT department"
    "Your own IT department (without the glasses)"
    "Your IT Department (without the hassle of it)"
    "We worry about the IT for you"

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the great suggestions!

    我们同去, "We Make IT Happen".

    We feel its simple. Easy to say. Memorable. Defines our commitment and specifies that we are an IT company.

    Thank you all for helping us thru this idea block. The advice from this thread will be applied to all areas of our branding.

    I appreciate you all.


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