
Topic: Advertising/PR

Seeking Ideas For Internet Speed Demo At Launch?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am an event manager for an integrated communications company in the middle east.

We have to suggest unusual ideas that can showcase high speed internet service at a launch. I already have a large list of ideas for venue based performances. How can I show my reach beyond the confines of the country. I need proper idea/concept.

Would appreciate ideas from all of you...

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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Focus on the main benefit of high-speed: downloading videos, graphics, music, data, and video-conferencing. Concentrate on the value of someone's time: what's it worth to be able to download something in 1/10th the time? If you're a business owner, it should be easy to calculate ROI. If you're not, then you can surf more, faster, in less time.
  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Accepted
    Do a live video from several parts of the world with the theme playing on connecting to the world. If you can use performers all the better. Perhaps you can send local celebs to China, NYC, Alaska wherever and have them report in at the event.

    This is risky and you "high speed" connection must be very good.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Jay and Harry,

    Thank you for your responses. Your feedback is helping me in zeroing in on the key benefit that I can use to highlight the service.

    Harry, In fact I was working on the same idea suggested by you before I posted my question.

    Thanks once again guys...

  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    Live video feed of either some kind of performance, or else live, real time traffic surveillance from several of the world's largest cities.

    Look at the traffic snarls in New York, London, Tokyo, LA, Sydney, Bangkok.

    Watch aircraft land at Heathrow, LaGuardia, or O'Hare.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Give it to 20 people for free for 30 days. Then take it away from them and tell them they can't have it back. Film them as they complain and get really mad. It will show how important and valuable your service is to them. And then of course give it back to them for free. But charge everyone else.

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