
Topic: E-Marketing

E-newsletter Name For Media Mfg

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I have writers block. Can you help me come up with a e-newsletter name for my CD/DVD manufacturing and data conversion business. My company name is Disc, Inc. I'd love to have something that has Disc in the title but not mandatory. Help!
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  • Posted on Accepted
    call it the Weekly (or Monthly) Go 'Round.

    Or if you want to use the "Disc" in the name use "Discussion" in any spelling variation you desire.

    Good luck! ~Cheers
  • Posted on Member
    Need more information and ideas you didn't quite like... That being said:

    "Hot off the press"
    "DISCovery news"
    "Duplication Views"
    "Bi-weekly Back-up"
    "Disc Circulation" or "Circular Disc"
    "Disc Round-Up"

    Feedback for more focus would help. :-)

  • Posted bymdlugozimaon Member
    Platter Chatter
    Bits and Pieces
    Digital Times
    Weekly Spin
    Laser Lowdown
    Pickup News
    Press Play
    The Next Chapter

  • Posted bymatthewmnexon Accepted
    The real answer to this is that your customers will tell you.

    In this business, we all have opinions about what kind of titles and email subject lines will click.

    The only real way to know is through testing.

    Pick 4 or 5 that you like and divide your next mailing into 5 groups. test each line ona different group and check your opening rates. THe one with the best opening rates is catching the most attention and is the winner :)

    Do this again every few months to keep your customers awake :)

    Alternately, send them a mali and put your top 5 choices in the mailer and let them vote on the one they like best :)

    Another great way to do it is to run a contest with a cash prize or free services. Let your customers and news letter subscribers suggest titles themself. The winner gets the prize and you get lot's of great PR and community activity around the contest.

    Always remember that in the internet business - the online customers will tell you quickly what they like and what they don't. (same in the off-line business too actually).

    Don't waste time brainstorming and agonising over what you think may or may not work :) Let your customers work it out for you :)


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