
Topic: Branding

New Corporate Blog For Big Box Retailer

Posted by Anonymous on 300 Points
We need your help!!

I'm designing a corporate blog to increase awareness of our brand, open discussion about our products, how people use them, employees thoughts, latest news, etc. (We are choosing a selection of employees to blog, but have not chosen them all yet.)

请给我们你的建议。我们有伟大的distribution, but somewhat of a weak brand. What are your first impressions? Is the blog purpose clear? Do you know/recognize the company? Please keep in mind it's a work in progress :) We'd love your feedback!


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  • Posted byLevonon Member
    Like I said in the past 2 posts for the same question. Rephrase the tagline at the top so that people know what you do and what your blog is about and how it is going to help them. I would also focus on content that shows people how to do things to better their life or products that help them achieve more. How you used item x to achieve massive results.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I’m afraid I agree with Rich. It’s not working.

    I suspect you’d be better off being more forthright about what your blog is about. Breezy personal stories are all right on personal blogs for people you know, but here you've stated a different goal.

    I’d say call up your stakeholders and get them to tell you brand and product related contextual stories which you can put on your blog.

    This, as Rich points out, can detract from your brand and confuse.

    I write a blog to enhance my business activity. See my website atwww.badlani.comand then blog and you will see how the connection can be made and retained.

    Sorry! I hope this helps. All the best!

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Instead of creating a discussion around the bloggers, create a discussion around each of your products. Have people post stories of what they've done with the products, used them professionally, in clubs, etc. Your staff could likewise chime in with things that they're seen or heard about (from their customers).

    I don't care about Katie, Joe, or Mike. I care about how your products can improve MY world.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Rich, Rajiv and Jay. This is great feedback!! No worries about being to critical, I think we need that. !e are pulling together to re-evaluate this blog, and with your useful advice in mind, make the needed changes. Thanks again!

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