
Topic: Website Critique

How Can We Enhance Your Experience?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Dear MarketingProfers,

Please visitwww.ipevo.comand let me know:

1) What is your 1st impression?
2) Were you compelled to find our store?
3) What could we do to be more compelling?
4) Did you see any messaging that seemed awkward?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

[Email address deleted by staff]
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  • Posted byLevon Accepted
    I like the Point of View Camera - have never seen it before. Your layout is clean and it appears to be easy to order from the U.S.

    Because you offer highly specialized products - you might need to specify and re-specify that your phones are designed to work specifically with. Create a list of what services each phone works with so that the buyer EXPLICITLY knows.
  • Posted byNatashaChernavska Accepted

    It’s a pleasure to be giving a feedback on your project.

    First of all, I would say, that the design looks good. However, it’s also obvious, that it has been created by non-web designer, but by a print artist.

    You see, there is a huge difference between designing for print and for web. Printed material could be delivered, carried, and read by your target audience at their convenient time. But you have to make your target audience to come to your website, and then to read the contents. Another difference is that print material could be carefully read from paper, which is much more convenient and comfortable versus reading from the screen. Design of a print product page is visible fully right away, and the design concept can be taken and perceiveу at once by a human mind, while web design elements appear to a website users consequently as they are viewing the site, and depending on lots of variables such as the amount of content, internet connection, screen size and resolution, etc, sometimes even important content elements may not be visible right away. There is a concept of cognitive load, value of which is crucial for interactive products and not so important for print product. When it comes to printed material, there is still time the user spends in looking for important information, but it’s dramatically smaller than when he’s trying to get to the information on a website.

    That is why even nice and clean design which works perfectly for print products may not be considered usable for web products. That is why it’s so important to approach the creation of a website knowing those important concepts like cognitive load, human computer interaction, etc. Where print design is coming from good looks, web design is coming from the content.

    Let’s start from scratch and define what is the most important part of your website’s content. I assume, it’s your products, company name, slogan or short description of what your company does, AND contact information.

    You have an online store, so your first rule should be placing your products (all or the most popular!) available for purchase right on the first page. You would say, that you did that, but I would say: you didn’t. Users have to make three (!!!) clicks before they get to the page where they can actually buy something. Menu is unintelligible, it’s not constant from page to page, the information on your company is in the very end of the page, there is huge blank space next to the logo on the index page, and below you only can see a very big banner which barely represents your company.

    There’s a huge news column, which is in fact useless, because before people know who you are, they have no desire to read your news. News are ok, but you could use that space for placing your products in there. In fact, your index page should have looked more like this:, but the banner is still huge, and again useless: it’s obvious that you are in online store as you can see prices and “add to cart” buttons.

    I can add much more about visual consistency, wrongly cut initial design (it’s when a Photoshop layout is cut into small elements). For example, this image: no right to look like this. Instead, it had to be cut into smaller pieces with text coded as text. Neither should the main banner have looked the way it does. I mean this image: see at least 5 elements in this banner.

    Needless to say, that even though you have some meta tags in place, other basic search engine optimization is not conducted. There is this poor image (home4.jpg) which not only is huge, it contains all important information about your product, and that text could be indexed by search engines, instead you have hidden it inside of graphics and didn’t even use an alt parameter… It’s like you are saying: “Look, it’s s nice company, but we really don’t want anyone to buy anything, because you’ll never find us!” Frankly, it’s not funny.

    所以,我的总结是:良好的开端,你有一个好drawn image, now get yourself a professional WEB designer, who will adjust this image and create a professional web site, which will actually attract customers to buy your product.

    And I wish you good luck with that!

    Natasha Chernyavskaya
  • Posted byHarry Hallman Accepted
    So, coming from a marketing angle, which is what the web site should do I think you hit a home run. What is most important is your products and what they can do for the customer, not your logo. This is especially true since I am assuming you are a fairly new brand and not many people know you. You did that and chose the most intriguing product to highlight on the top of the screen. That draws me in to learn more.

    The design is clean and easy to use, another very important marketing point. The site loaded quickly. Sometimes we tend to over design web sites and make them more difficult to use. You did not do that.

    You might want to do some work on search engine optimization, but other than that I would just tweak the site as you see (through customer input or analytics) what needs tweaking.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Roth Accepted
    A few things stick out:

    1) The banner image of a small car and laptop: the laptop isn't displaying the image from the POV of the camera.

    2) You're showing your products (good), but not applications of your products. Consider a gallery of photos showing how people are using your cameras in an innovative way.

    3) Much less text on the home page. Your News column isn't useful for your average web visitor - move it to its own page. Likewise, make the downloads and where to find their own pages. It'll be easier to find it/

    4) Your contact information should be on every page.

    5) The copyright in the grass is confusing - do you want me to see it or not?

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