
Topic: Other

Marketing To Web Strategists & Developers

Posted byJESmithon 500 Points
The nonprofit I work for is sponsoring a mashup challenge. We've hit many of the usual channels, but I'm looking for additional suggestions -- good blogs, social networks, websites, community forums, associations, etc. to target as part of our marketing outreach. Any suggestions? Details are below:


Do you know a talented Web strategist or developer interested in coming up with new ways to use the Web for social good? Network for Good & the Case Foundation are sponsoring two $10,000 prizes for Web developers who do just that, and we thought your readers might be interested in the contest.

We are challenging developers to mash-up the Network for Good online donation processing API with another Web service to either (a) enhance the online donor experience or (b) revolutionize a nonprofit's ability to fundraise online. As if changing the world was not enough, the two winners will each receive a $10,000 prize.

For more information, you can check out the information page: [inactive link removed]

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted byLevonon Member
    So what you want is a good internet viral looping strategy to up your donations?
  • Posted byJESmithon Author
    What we are looking for is suggestions of places frequented by web strategists, web developers, people who understand web services, etc. where we can market this contest -- such as blogs, social networks, websites, community forums, associations, etc.
  • Posted byLevonon Member
    Here is a resource:

    I would also list it on:

    the warriorforum, craigslist and
  • Posted on Accepted
    If what you need is actually programming/web development:

    Don't overlook colleges and graduate programs that have web development and programming courses. That's a huge talent pool with the time to spare for contests and a great deal of creativity.

    Create pages for your contest on Facebook, MySpace and a couple of other high traffic social networking sites and issue your challenge on the site as an open contest. You can also contact different interest groups within MySpace and Facebook and ask them to circulate the contest.

    If what you're looking for is more video oriented than programming, here are some other ideas.

    Do you care about the background of the person who creates the video or just the quality of the output? If you want the output but don't really need to build relationships long-term with web developers, consider broadening your call to include videobloggers.

    Another tactic is to look for top-rated YouTube videos and contact the people who have created them to invite them to the challenge. Perhaps you can create an invitation-only level and an open level, with varying prizes. There are some very talented "amateurs" on YouTube.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
  • Posted on Accepted
    I agree with GailMartin to "Create pages for your contest on Facebook, MySpace and a couple of other high traffic social networking sites". I would include LinkedIn. I also agree with Jay Hamilton-Roth to send a press release.

    Also, here are some relevant blogs/websites:

    Good luck and hope this helps!

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