
Topic: Student Questions

Will Traditional Media Be Replaced By New Media?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am doing a research for a school project. I just wanted to get the opinion of people in the forum on this subject:

Will traditional media be replace by new media strategies in terms of advertising using the new media technologies. Will the marketing world be impacted by this change?
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  • Posted byLevonon Member
    The Internet already has eclipsed TV, Radio and Newspaper. Has anyone seen what "Phoenix DUI Attorney" is fetching per click price lately? In many cases it is cheaper to advertise on TV then on the internet. Imagine that.
  • Posted on Member
    Hmmm maybe it would be useful to take a broader approach to this issue.

    而不是关注如何不利affect traditional media, how about thinking along how they can work together to produce synergy. Traditional media need not be just working in silo and it could simply be a direct to the new media. PR articles on newspapers, below the line giveaways so peeps can experience the product and then later move to forums to share.

    Definitely with the addition of new medium channels, a company's mkting budget will be split between them so definitely if you're looking to a straight answer than yea i guess so.

    Alot of marketers are also moving to a more "stealthy" approach by seeking out their target consumers instead of doing blanket advertising so i guess it does affect them further but still, anything shown on TV, in public still carries some weight to the consumers(at least where i'm living)

    Hey that's the thing that's shown on TV!
  • Posted on Member
    I don't think traditional forms of media will be completely eliminated, but it's definitely on the back burner for now. I found some interesting charts on the B2B Magazine's website about this, so definitely go there and check out their findings.

    Best of luck with the project!
  • Posted on Accepted
    I agree that because of the internet, social networking channels, TiVo, and other new and convenient inventions you will continue to see a greater trend away from traditional advertising techniques. Will old methods die out? No of course not, especially as globalization continues and technology is slowly dispersed more and more throughout all nations.
    As for the marketing world be changed? Yes, it already has been drastically and will continue to adapt to us and we adapt to newer and better technology.

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