
Topic: Student Questions

Civil Eng Deciding B/w Mba And P.eng

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I was wondering if anyone had any insight into a current dilemma I am currently facing.
I am a Civil Engineering co-op student in my last year of university. Since my 2 years of co-op is registered with my civil engineering department and the association of professional engineers, it also qualifies for the 2 years work experience needed for most MBA schools.
I was wondering whether i should pursue attaining my MBA right after graduation or get my Professional Engineering certification and leave the MBA until later in my life?
I was just thinking that if i could get it now when i am still in "school mode", then it would be beneficial.

Any thoughts would be good.

Thanks in advance,
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  • Posted bySRyan ;]on Accepted
    Most people I know found that the process of getting an MBA is a lot more meaningful AFTER spending some years working. It helps to put what you're learning into some context.

    Good luck!

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