
Topic: Career/Training

Marketing Positions For Fishing/hunting Industry

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello all!

我新这个论坛,所以我将开始肖t bio which is related to the topic at hand. I am a 27 year old male who would like to obtain a job in the fishing/hunting industry. I am about to acquire my MBA in 3 months from an accredited institution here in Texas, and have about 3 years in sales experience coupled with extensive hunting/fishing experience. I would love to get into this industry (preference to Marketing/ Product Development) but current and extensive job research has turned up little results. I know my experience, education, and background would prove fruitful for any company that would give me an opportunity, but finding the company has proved rather unproductive so far. Any suggestions...

Thanks in advance.


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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    你可以直接在它(start contacting companies of interest and/or network with people who may know folks at these companies). Sounds like you are doing this.

    An alternate route is to work in to it from the side. There are often events in the industry (fishing contests, etc.). These events are always done on a shoestring budget, so need volunteers or low paid folks to make them go. You could work one of these events, preferably in a position where you are in contact with the events sponsors. This could help you get to know the sponsors, and maybe work something from there.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    You could investigate trade organizations such as: through their membership lists and identify companies you'd like to work for. If there's an upcoming convention you could attend, so much the better to meet sales people face-to-face first.

    Alternatively, consider tourism boards who are trying to attract visitors to their hunting/fishing facilities.
  • Posted byMikeeon Accepted
    I would make contact with some of the giant retaliers, Cabelas,, and Bass Pro Shops, These companies are very into marketing. They might be able to refer you to some of their suppliers.

  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Member
    Check with BassPros... they operate as distributor, manufacture and retailer...

    They have field marketing people and sales people who do exactly what you are describing

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