
Topic: Other

Ideas For An Open House

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am planning for an open house to promote my private mental health counseling business. Does anyone have any ideas or resources to order materials for such. Since my areas will be with children, parenting, and substance addictions, I'm thinking about having informational handouts, business cards, and promotional items such as pens, but don't have it all together. Any ideas would be appreciated.
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  • Posted byMikeeon Accepted
    I have had good luck with business cards and postcards They have many designs to chose from or you may design your own and upload it. If you search "vistaprint coupons" you will find links that can save you a substantial amount of money.

    Who are you inviting to the open house, and how were you planning on attracting them?

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    While you're at it, invite your local parents' groups to your open house.

    I'd have separate handouts for each of the areas you specialize in. Each of these handouts would talk about what problems that this group has that you can help with. Testimonials would be a plus.

    Your goal at the open house is to network - to talk to people and find out how satisfied they are with their parenting and family, and offer your skills to help improve it. You want to build trust in your skills and personality. I'm sure you already know how to ask great questions and listen to their answers. You just need to do this in a business setting first.
  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Member
    Are you sure this is a good idea?

    我不能看到people who could be in the market for these services all getting together and telling the world that they are looking for mental health services.

    This seems to be far too private and personal a matter to have an "open house" for.

    Perhaps I misunderstand your service or your market.
  • Posted bysarahon Accepted
    What about contacting HR directors of local businesses so they can consider offering your services as a "health benefit" that they offer to their employees.

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