
Topic: Student Questions

Strategic Direction Of Mark & Spencer In The Recent Dynamic And Turbulent Environment

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
hi, i am an MBA student and doing a case study on mark & spencer the uk largest retailer, my qusetion is ..
Q:How does the approach to corporate governance activity support the strategic direction of the M & S given the recent dynamic and turbulent environment?
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  • Posted bywnelsonon Member
    欢迎来到论坛!我相信你会发现这一点a valuable resource during your MBA work and further through whatever career you choose. We have hundreds of active industry experts, many of whom have been through the exact experience you are having right now - academia - and many more who learned from literally thousands of years of experience between us. I have to mention, however, that this forum does have guidelines. You probably didn't have time to explore all aspects of the site and may have missed this://
    In particular, please look at the fifth guideline reproduced here:

    Experts are happy to help students explore their thoughts, but they will not do their assignments for them. If you are a student, be sure to share your own ideas along with your question.

    To provide you with an answer to your question would violate this guideline. And, this would endanger your academic record because many professors know of this forum and monitor it regularly. If we gave you an answer to your question and you represented it as your own work, that would be a violation of most school's ethics code. The site monitors most likely will read this question, explain the rules, and return your points, asking you to provide your thoughts first and allow the experts to contribute our opinions and suggestions on how to improve upon your work. I think you would agree that this approach is still very, very valuable!

    As I remember from case studies I did during my pursuit for my MBA, the purpose was to demonstrate my expertise of the analysis method, not to come up with the right answer. I believe things haven't changed that much since my academic work. If we gave you our position on this question, there would be two problems: first, we could be wrong! We're very good, but we're not perfect. Second, we wouldn't provide you with the analysis and in particular, it would be purely coincidental for us to demonstrate the particular skill your professor is looking for.

    Therefore, I would suggest that you take a look at available information from your problem statement, from the company's website, from searches of the website, and your text book/class notes. Then, based on this, frame your analysis and present it here for use to review. Provide us with specific questions you have concerning the analysis techniques and conclusions you reach. I believe you will find this to be much more valuable to you than for us to give you an answer. After all, in school, you are filling your toolbox with the tools for the rest of your life. You will be surprised which skills will be incredible valuable to know when you enter the working world. This one question could mean the difference between you being an entry level employee and a high level corporate executive.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    We don't do homework here, but we can certainly react to your own thinking and make some suggestions.

    Let's start with this: What is Marks & Spencer's approach to corporate governance? And do YOU think it supports the strategic direction in the current environment? Why/why not?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    Good response and explanation of the guideline, Wayde. Thanks.

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