
Topic: Website Critique

Plenty Of Hits But What About Sales?

Posted bymargo.schlossbergon 125 Points
Hi There,

I have increased my hits by 400% due to referral marketing but the sales close rate is negligible. Site located

I have thick skin- can you please critique the site and most importantly the check out process.

Also- I had wanted to switch to a google checkout but it is cost prohibitive. Right now I am using Joomla and it is very "clunky". Does anyone have any advice on utilizing joomla checkout or any other pieces of the system.

Would a close-out items section help with sales? Thoughts?

Thank you so much, Have a great day.
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  • Posted on Accepted

    The site looks nice, but I think it would help you to add more detail about the products. Right now, the product detail pages are pretty sparse, and I'd be hesitant to buy something I know little about. What is special about your bags? Do you have a money-back/satisfaction guarantee? What's your return policy.

    Be as transparent and "human" as possible - like a storefront - where is your contact info? phone number? Who am I buying from?

    I would also hide the reviews for the time being since you don't have any...allow people to write them, but don't show "0" reviews on every product, that doesn't look too good.

    I also suggest registering you can get more feedback as soon as it's live.

    Good luck!!
  • Posted byLinda Whiteheadon Accepted
    You have been given some excellent advice by Mike and Andrew.
    In addition I suggest that the branding of the site is very weak. Kura Design is lost.
    I think you need to be really clear about what your brand is about, what your positioning and messaging is and who your target audience is, then build the site accordingly.
    To me, you have nothing on the site to entice people to buy your handbags. There is no fashion statement at all, nothing to really give people clues as to how your handbags can accessorize their outfits or what the latest, hottest looks are. You can create multiple item purchases this way also.
    That is all part of deciding on what your branding and image is. Do you want to go after the fashion consumer or are you about selling cheap bags?
    What stands out most to me is the "Clutches on Sale". Not sure if that is what you are going for.
    You need to have a way to build your marketing database, and should offer a newsletter or email with special offers in exchange for them providing you with their email address. You need a way of nurturing your client base and building a relationship with them over time. Just getting them to the site isn't enough. The site has to grab their attention, and if they like what you have to say they will put themselves on your mailing list too.

    Good Luck
    Linda Whitehead
    Zuz Marketing
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Since you have analytics installed, where are people going on your website? Are they clicking on any products or quickly leaving your home page once they find it? Use you existing data to help you understand how people have arrived and what they're looking for.

    我建议removing the "Start Shopping" graphic. It takes up prime screen real estate and isn't strong. Likewise, the scrolling products in the first column are distracting from my scanning.

    Can you place the 4 graphics (Spring 2009, Bridal & Prom 2009, etc.) on a single line? That'll help the quick look.

    Instead of the image of bags in your banner, why not a picture of an attractive woman holding a bag? People are purchasing bags not simply to hold things, but to enhance their look. Show people who look great to help build the emotional connection.

    Also Website Grader gives your site a 79 / 100 (
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted

    Naturally, you don't know me from Adam, but dear heart, you're selling fabulous bags to fabulous females, so why not say that up front?

    Your site generally is nicely put together. However, my initial impressions when the site opened were "there's nothing to look at!", hence your page abandonment rate.

    Customers will not buy what they cannot see, so show 'em the gear!

    Draw a vertical line down your screen from the wee line next to the word HOME (this imaginary line will bisect the lowercase r of the word "better"). Now, remove every bit of visual clutter to the right of that line.

    Leave your navigation bar where it is but below that, and into the area where most people's browsers will end (also known as "the fold") that's your store window. Avoid placing merchandise below your fold.

    Yes, I now your customers are elegantly chic and all that but, like most people, they are lazy and scrolling? So dreary darling, "we" do not scroll!

    Tiffany's windows are tiny, but their displays kick ass. Your site is your store window; it is your canvas. Use it. Strut your stuff. Your bags kick serious booty, so for goodness sake, let your customers see the the goddamn merchandise!

    The Did You Know box in this area is taking up valuable shop window space. Its days are numbered. Nuke it.

    My dear, no one gives a fiddler's foot about "did you know", they want to see the bling, they want to know that they will be sex on a stick when they're walking into that exclusive soiree with one of your bags.

    The Did You Know box is simply not earning its keep up there, so ditch it and replace it with your search box (marooned and all but invisible on the left of the screen at present, alas). Top right hand corner = search. Got that?


    Use some compelling, witty, seasonal, changing headlines next to pictures of bags on plain white backgrounds, pictures of gorgeous, fantastic, brilliantly priced bags.

    Test the use of price balloons next to images to see if that helps conversions and again, another element that's practically buried out in the back of beyond is your little stack of testimonials.

    Testimonials, dear heart, are marketing gold; they are social proof. Whip them out where people can read them. This is no time to be shy. Marketing is no different than getting dressed up for a night out on the town. Think gorgeous and you'll be halfway there.

    Tell me, when you go out on the town, do you HIDE your diamond studs behind your bangs? Or do you pull your hair back and show the other gals who's got the ice?

    Likewise with testimonials. They are your dancing queens, not your wallflowers. Let them rock. And collect more via a sign up for more information box next to your search box. Tag line, "Become fabulous darling, Join Our Mailing List".

    你可以电子邮件市场这一组,encourage them to join a continuity program with an ethical bribe: free bag, 50 percent discount, whatever, but these loss leaders will pay for themselves with a "bag of the month" membership for $47.97 per month. Offer this to everyone on your mailing list via direct mail or e-mail. But either way, continuity equates to recurring revenue, which, in turn, will help with cash flow and will also do much to build your all important loyalty club.

    There are two kinds of customers: satisfied and loyal. You can be satisfied but not loyal, but it's difficult to be loyal and not be satisfied. Customers become loyal when they receive great value month after month.

    Headlines for bag images as outlined above to read something along the lines of:

    Prom tiddly pom? Bridal Bling!

    Be creative and test market slogans. Also, survey your customer base and ask them what they want to see, what they want to pay. Touch their pain points and once you know what they want, give it to them. For a fabulous price, of course.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer, Wilmington, DE
    [Email address deleted by staff]

  • Posted on Accepted
    Not sure anyone mention of SEO. Is a great tools and might help you. Try to have a look and there is a free trial if i am not mistaken.

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