
Topic: Advertising/PR

Small Budget Advertising

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
我've had a lot of success recently and have been working magic everywhere in the nation fir my small budget businesses. Has anyone else seen a dramatic fur around in advertising effectiveness, or have I lucked out with my customer's ad plans?
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  • Posted on Author
    For .... Not fir. Damn small letters and big thumbs
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear dperez,

    我'm delighted that your efforts are paying off, but there's no reason why your advertising ought to have lucked out.

    我f you're offering a great message for a great product, and if you're following up on customer orders after the sale, carry on doing what you're doing.

    我f you feel you need help and you want to keep your costs down, you might want to look at the direct response philosophy of Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazer

    我f you live in the USA, there may be a local Glazer Kennedy Insider Circle chapter you could join.

    我hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
  • Posted byBizConsulton Accepted

    我t would be helpful, for comparative purposes, if you could be a bit more explicit about what types of advertising you’re doing (i.e., the channels you’re using, budget levels, geographies, brand vs. price/promo, SOV, etc.) as well as who you’re doing it for (industries/categories, brand awareness, market position, etc.). That way we could compare/contrast, people could see what combinations work, or how it relates to their efforts, etc. It might also elicit some additional ideas for you from the member base!

  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    luck has nothing to do with it ... and the hardest thing about being successful, is staying successful.

    Translation, you better know why your advertising is working, so it can keep on working.

    best of luck,


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