
Topic: Advertising/PR

Ideas For The Launch Of A High End Bar?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Need ideas for the launch of a high end bar with roof terrace.

Both ideas to create awareness of the bar and ideas for the actual launch party.

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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Member
    Where is the bar located? Is there a theme to the bar? What is the bar's target demographic?

    These are all questions that need to be answered to suggest appropriate launch ideas.
  • Posted on Author
    It is located in a busy uk city. No theme and the taregt demographic is 21-45 year old wealthy/celebs
  • Posted bymarketbaseon Accepted
    This scenario lends itself perfectly to a theme featuring the Drifters song "Up on the Roof" written by Carole King and once covered by James Taylor. Perhaps a musical invitation (ala the record-your-own message greeting cards). How accessible is the rooftop? Elevator, I hope. Plush 'outdoor' furniture for relaxing with outdoor fireplace, hire local musicians, install canopy for weather protection; dancing, etc.

    Best of luck
  • Posted on Accepted
    All of the above sound like good solid suggestions. I'm assuming you're going to feature a premium well. Don't forget your suppliers of the premium brands of wine and liquor. Not just your distributor, who will be happy to take your opening order, but brand suppliers themselves. They have access to all kinds of things that will appeal to your brand conscious, high end clientele...for free.

    Kathy Nunes
    Million Dollar Ideas Don't Have To Cost Alot

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