
Topic: Research/Metrics

Omnibus Surveys

Posted byipawlowskion 125 Points
Hi All,

I'm a Sr. Strategic Planner who's just begun a new job in the US. My professional experience is from another country and since I'm the only Planner at my agency, I have no one to ask about some of the research logistics in the American advertising industry.

I'm based in Chicago.

I have a few questions I'd like to run in a survey. Back home, I'd call a few of the research companies I worked with and shop around for the closest omnibus telephone or online survey scheduled.

Are there such omnibus surveys here?
Sounds like a silly question, but I find myself without the professional network I had back home and need some help finding my bearings.

I know my agency has used Survey Monkeys in the past for online surveys, but I need a random sample of respondents.

Any help or advice to solve this immediate problem, as well as market research tips for the future would be greatly appreciated!
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